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Clinical Procedures in Primary Eye Care, 3e, by David B. Elliott PhD MCOptom FAAO
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The third edition has been completely revised and updated and is linked with an accompanying website containing large numbers of video-clips and photographs to help explain how tests should be used and to describe the variations in appearance of the normal eye. Simply register at http//evolve.elsevier.com/Elliott/eyecare as a student for your free access. In addition, the book includes an invaluable colour plate section, many additional two-colour line diagrams and a new chapter on systemic health screening and general medical testing.
- Exceptionally clear, down-to-earth and practical
- Written by internationally renowned lecturers and clinical researchers
- Covers all the principal procedures used in a primary eye care setting
- Step-by-step instructions given for each stage in every procedure
- Each procedure is clearly and concisely explained and supported by research evidence
- A large number of supporting photographs, diagrams and video clips
- New accompanying website containing large numbers of video-clips and photographs to help explain how tests should be used and to describe the variations in appearance of the normal eye
- Colour design is a further aid to clarity and accessibility
- Many new colour diagrams
- New colour plate section
- All chapters thoroughly revised and updated to include latest techniques
- Completely new chapter added on systemic health screening
- Sales Rank: #1136272 in Books
- Brand: Brand: Butterworth-Heinemann
- Published on: 2007-10-16
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: .77" h x 7.47" w x 9.67" l, 1.30 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 368 pages
- Used Book in Good Condition
"The contributors and editor have produced a very well organized, direct, simply written, meticulously indexed textbook. Their attention to detail is remarkable...Given the high prevalence of ocular anomalies among optometrists and optometry students, this kind of practical advice would be most welcome."
Opmtometry and Vision Science, 2009
REVIEW OF LAST EDITION: "This book is an excellent reference for optometry students and clinical teachers. It might even make the experienced practitioner think about his or her choices of clinical tests." Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 2004 "Clinical procedures in primary eye care (CP) is, in my opinion, an excellent introductory text for all students studying optometry, especially those in their formative years as students. The authors have done a sterling job in putting together a text that introduces different examination procedures, how to conduct or perform the procedure… I recommend this text unreservedly to all students of the optometric profession." The South African Optometrist, 2004 The target audience for this book is clearly the student of optometry. All primary-care opto�metric educators should consider this book for their students. Both instructor and student can access various online resources, such as an image collec�tion, videos and downloads, either directly through the Elsevier site or via virtual classroom software, such as Blackboard. A point that appeals to students is that the book is written as though in dialogue with them and it con�tains a good index. This new interactive book, with integration of scienti?c justi?cation, gives practitioners the excuse needed to compare themselves against the best on everyday primary-care testing. Clinical and Experimental Optometry, September 2008
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